Glacier Wonder

Glacier Wonder

Our planet has experienced at least five Great Ice Ages, each violent collision of ice streams has contributed to the history of the survival of the fittest between different territories and species. This woven carpet pays tribute to those distant and great ages. Snowflake-shaped geometric patterns are spread across the tufted "ice land” and are decorated with high-quality pearls. The contrast between the textures of different materials mimic the rheology and landforms of different states of ice continents. When used as a carpet, it is soft, warm and mysterious, reminiscent of the sunshine in the winter sunshine; as a hanging tapestry, it resembles a magnificent map of our planet.

Materials:New Zealand Wool, Silk, Microfiber yarn, Wool, Agate beads, Metal yarn

Craft:Plush pile and chunky cut pile

Size:2.4m*3m / 3m*4m / Customized

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